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Apply for a community grant

The Community Grants Program aims to support initiatives that enhance the wellbeing, quality of life, culture, and heritage of people living in our community.


Five $2,000 grants will be provided four times per year.  Applicants must be based in East Gippsland Shire or Wellington Shire.

The assessment of the grant applications will be made in consultation with the Community Reference Group.

Please fill out the form below to apply

Applicant details

Organisation details

Is your organisation or group registered for GST?
Is your organisation or group incorporated?

Project details

Proposed dates/timelines

Have you previously received any financial support from the Gippsland Critical Minerals grant program?
Have you completed an Evaluation Form/Acquittal Report in relation to this support?

Acknowledgement of support from Gippsland Critical Minerals

How do you plan to acknowledge the source of funding received? Please let us know if any of the following options would be considered:

Project budget/income details

Please enter all sources of income for the project below. Any quotes must be included with the application.

Have you secured funding from anywhere else?

Project expenses

Declaration of applicant

  • I acknowledge that all the information provided on this applications form is true and correct.

  • I agree that photos provided by my organisation are approved for use by Gippsland Critical Minerals.

  • I agree to provide Gippsland Critical Minerals with a completed Acquittal and Evaluation form at the completion of the project.

  • I have read the website Privacy Policy

We want to hear from you

Gippsland Critical Minerals is committed to open engagement and communication. Whether you have a question, a suggestion, or simply want to learn more, we want to hear from you.

Call us on 1800 791 396 or email

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