Committed to community engagement
GCM is committed to doing things differently and to working with Gippsland communities to deliver a project that has positive outcomes that all communities can share.
GCM is genuine about engaging with the local community about the Fingerboards Project by listening to feedback, sharing information and providing opportunities to help shape a better project and maximise the benefits it brings to the region. This includes:
Working in partnership to resolve and mitigate concerns on key issues through genuine two-way engagement
Increased community information sharing including frequent opportunities to hear from experts and project managers for community, business and industry groups and organisations as well as more opportunities to have experts answer questions directly
Regular reporting on activities including environmental and technical studies
Updates on all project milestones, including at the planning phase transparently available in media, social media and in-person
Co-designing and co-developing initiatives to strengthen community benefit sharing
Working with First Nations peoples to understand and minimise cultural heritage impacts
Prioritising procurement from local businesses including support to increase their capability and capacity to work with the project
Developing good neighbour agreements

Gippsland Critical Minerals’ Community Grants Program supports community initiatives that enhance the quality of life, heritage, recreation and cultural opportunities, and provide long lasting benefits to the local community.
Grant funding is available for projects focussed on Educational, Recreational, Environmental and Social projects in the local community.
Community grants 2024
Round | Opening date | Closing date | Applicants notified of outcome |
4 | 27-Oct-25 | 28-Nov-25 | Dec-25 |
3 | 28-Jul-25 | 29-Aug-25 | Sep-25 |
2 | 28-Apr-25 | 30-May-25 | Jun-25 |
1 | 24-Feb-25 | 28-Mar-25 | Apr-25 |
Our Community Grants program
About GCM's Community Grants
Five grants of $2000 will be provided four times each year. Based on a set of criteria, these grants must have a direct positive outcome for the local community, supporting a project in a positive and sustainable manner.
The assessment of the grant application will be decided by a committee of GCM employees and local community representatives.
These assessments will be used to determine the final grants to be provided. A progress report will be required by each grant recipient within three months of receipt of funds, followed by a final or completion report within six months.
Grants criteria
Applicants must be an organisation that provides benefits to the broader community
The project must be completed within six months of receipt of funds. This may be extended upon written approval from the committee should extenuating circumstances arise
Organisations must agree to expend grant monies only in accordance with the successful grant project application
The project must be based within the Gippsland community.
Applicants must detail how the project will be funded and delivered
All planning and/or building permits and any authorisations, including public liability insurance associated with the project, must be obtained. These details must be noted in the application
Who the Grant Program is not able to support
Political organisations or campaigns
Applications submitted after the closing date
Projects that are for commercial benefit
Organisations who have previously received grant funding but have not properly acquitted the previous funding agreement
Retrospective activities or events (activities or events that have already occurred)
What types of projects will be funded
Community development
Mental health
Aged care
Education / arts
Local school projects
Theatrical groups
Art & cradft groups
Nature groups
Sporting groups
Previous grant recipients

First Nations engagement
As part of doing things differently, Gippsland Critical Minerals acknowledges that First Nations community engagement undertaken for the earlier Fingerboards Project was not adequate. In particular, it did not sufficiently consider, plan and conduct comprehensive engagement with the different First Nations communities that are relevant to the Fingerboards Project.
There is a range of evidence that supports this reflection, which GCM has reviewed and learnt from to inform its future First Nations engagement.
There are multiple First Nations communities in the Gippsland Region with different layers of interests and rights relevant to, and potentially affected by the Fingerboards Project.
The First Nations communities include:
All First Nations peoples in the Gippsland Region
The Gunaikurnai People
The Bradralung Clan
Native Title Holders
GCM recognises that:
The different communities are not mutually exclusive as a First Nations person or First Nations organisation may be a member of more than one community
Membership of some of these First Nations communities is not limited to First Nations people residing in the Gippsland Region with members of some communities living outside the region
Not all members of First Nations communities will have a representative body or be members of the relevant representative body recognised for the purposes of the relevant legislation. We also recognise they may not consider that the relevant representative body represents their rights and interests
GCM accepts that its planned First Nations engagement approach, methods, activities, analysis and decision-making must consider these different First Nations communities.